Please click on the links below to be directed to more information.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Password security is extremely important in this day an age. Google Chrome has a built in checker to give you information on if your password may have been exposed in a data breach as well as other relevant and helpful information, such as weak passwords, duplicates, etc.
Click here to be redirected to the Google Account page giving these details (Note this will work for our Gmail work accounts, as well as personal gmail accounts.)
Additions coming soon.
We are planning to replace text documents with videos through YouTube in the near future.
To submit a suggestion for a topic to cover, please fill out this form.
FAQ Video Content:
MSS Google Account and Chrome
Microsoft Office activation and account
FAQ Text Content:
Troubleshooting WiFi connection (On campus)
Teachers and staff, do you need to access a printer?
Topics being created for FAQ or How To:
- Shared network drives
- Virtual Machines
- Overview
- Staff accessing your Virtual Machine from a Desktop or Laptop
- More to come!
‘How To’ guides:
Free Teacher and Staff resources:
Google services tutorials such as Gmail, Google Drive, Docs, etc.
Various internet related tutorials.
Office 365 Tutorials (Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Access, and tips.
Depending on a student’s grade level, they will receive one of the following devices:
- KG – 4th graders receive an iPad, which runs iPad operating system.
- 5th – 8th graders receive a Dell laptop, which runs Windows 10 Education edition.
- 9th – 12th graders receive a MacBook, which runs Mac OS (Catalina).
Microsoft Office 365 Training from Microsoft.
Quick Start Training for Gmail – A user friendly guide on Gmail and how to use it. This video was created January 2019, as such certain features may look or work a little differently than in this video due to Google continually updating their services.
iMovie Basics: Video editing tutorial for beginners. This YouTube video contains a tutorial on how to use iMovie. Please note the version used in this video is NOT the latest version, and while basic functionality is the same, it may look/work slightly different. (Click here to see Apple’s Official Support page for iMovie.)
SMART Tech links
For Teachers: SMART Notebook/board Skills Toolkit contains several videos related to using your SMART Notebook with your SMARTboard in the classroom.
Introduction video to the SMART Board 7000 series that is used here at MSS.
Click here for the Google Doc for SMART Tech training for MSS Teachers and Staff. This document will be updated as we go along.